President Announcement

Vittorio Lombardo1

1 Vejovis President Chief of Surgery, U.O.S.D, IRCCS Piemonte Hospital, Messina, ITALY

- 25/04/2024

President Announcement

Dear Esteemed Members, I trust this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. As the newly appointed President of The International Medical and First Aiders Association - Vejovis, I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering service as Deputy Chairman. Your dedication and leadership have been instrumental in advancing our organization's mission to champion excellence in medical and first aid practices worldwide.

I am honored to assume the role of President and eagerly anticipate collaborating closely with you and the entire executive team to fortify our association further. Your wisdom and support will be indispensable as we embark on this collective endeavor. A warm welcome is also extended to the new members who have recently joined our esteemed association. Their diverse expertise and experiences will undoubtedly enrich our community and contribute significantly to achieving our shared goals.

I encourage all members to actively participate in our various programs and initiatives, fostering a spirit of collaboration. Looking ahead, I am excited to outline some key initiatives and forthcoming programs for The International Medical and First Aiders Association - Vejovis. Our focus will encompass the development of esteemed research projects that not only expand the frontiers of medical knowledge but also address urgent global health challenges. Through international exchanges and collaborations, we aspire to cultivate a culture of mutual learning and innovation. Moreover, we are committed to enhancing educational programs, providing avenues for skill development, and facilitating platforms for members to engage in meaningful discourse. By facilitating these interactions, we aim to foster a dynamic and supportive environment wherein all members can flourish. Your insights and expertise will be invaluable in shaping and implementing these initiatives.

I am confident that, together, we can propel our association to new heights and make enduring contributions to the field of medical and first aid practices on a global scale. Once again, I extend my deepest gratitude for your dedication, and I eagerly anticipate a fruitful collaboration that will not only benefit our association but also its members.

Vittorio Lombardo, MD FACS
Vejovis President
Chief of Surgery, U.O.S.D
IRCCS Piemonte Hospital
Messina, ITALY


Keywords: President Announcement.