Dietary adherence in recovery after bariatric surgery: a narrative review

Francesco Corallo1, Psy, Hubert Goudjinou1, Psy, Maria Cristina De Cola, Psy, Giuseppa Maresca, Psy, Antonino Todaro, MD, Elisabetta Morini, MD, Francesco Iaropoli, MD, Lea Lucchese, MD, Viviana Lo Buono1, Vittorio Lombardo, MD1

1IRCCS Centro Neurolesi Bonino-Pulejo, Messina

- 29/01/2022


Bariatric surgery is the most successful method of weight loss in severely obese patients. Its long-term success seems to depend on several factors, such as poor dietary tolerance and lifestyle after surgery. This review was conducted on studies investigating the role of adherence to an appropriate diet in weight loss maintenance after bariatric surgery. The search was performed on PubMed and Web of Science databases, including studies from 1999 to 2020. Two hundred and ten publications were screened, but only 11 included factors involved in dietary adherence and met the search criteria. The findings showed that weight loss and maintenance vary considerably between patients in the post-bariatric phase. Good dietary adherence exerts positive effects on short-and long-term success of bariatric surgery; similarly, psychological support is able to determine psychological counseling, and regular follow-ups will allow monitoring of the patient's eating behavior and contribute to weight loss maintenance.