Clare West
SML - Medical Services, Sidcup, Kent, UK
Clare West
SML - Medical Services, Sidcup, Kent, UK
Francesco Corallo1, Psy, Hubert Goudjinou1, Psy, Maria Cristina De Cola, Psy, Giuseppa Maresca, Psy, Antonino Todaro, MD, Elisabetta Morini, MD, Francesco Iaropoli, MD, Lea Lucchese, MD, Viviana Lo Buono1, Vittorio Lombardo, MD1
1IRCCS Centro Neurolesi Bonino-Pulejo, Messina
On behalf of the Board of Vejovis - The International Medical Asssocieation of United Kingdom, I am delighted to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of the Vejovis Journal.
Authors: Vejovis Jurnal Editor.